Monday, May 4, 2009

Bersyukurlah.. =D

Kalo qt liat lingkungan skitar qt,,bnyak skali hal yg dpt dijadikn sbg apa y namanya..pokoknya agar qt truz brsyukur,,bnyk skali..Bahkan sangat banyak atw mungkin smua malahan..!!

ni pengalaman sy sndri swktu mengantar ibu sy blanja d sbuah pasar ikan..Yaaaa pasar tradisional gt,..
Jd di skitar pasar tu msh ada tempat yg brupa kubangan/tempat yg trgenang air (dkat tempat sampah pisan),, nah! D kubangan2 itu,,ada bbrp ekor bebek yg sdg mncari makan,.. Tau sndrilah apa yg d makan bebek2 ntu,,,(yaaaa,,apa yg ada d kubangan dan dkat smph ntu ya dimakan smuuaa).. >_<

Abiz ngliat bebek,,eh! Ada r0mbongan ayam lewat >_> hehehe,, truz sy ngmg ma ibu:"waaah,,muka ayam sama smua yaaaa.." =D

melihat hal2 sprt itu,.Sbg manusia haruzx bisa bnyk2 brsyukur,,,alhmdulillah qt tlh dciptakan oleh Alloh sbg makhluk yg sempurna,...dibri rezeki dr hal yg baik2,.tdk sperti bebek yg makan d kubangan/t4 smph,..
Dan qt juga tlh d bri rupa yg baik oleh Alloh "Walaqod' kholaqnakum tsumma sowwarnakum.."="Alloh tlh mnjadikan/mnciptakan pada kalian manusia kmudian mmbri rupa pada kalian..",,tdk sprti ayam yg bisa dblg mukax mirip smua..(gmn c0ba kalo smua org dunia ni mukax sama smua???),,dLL dLL dLL dLL

lewat hal2 spele ky' gt aj qt bisa lho nyari/mnjadikan ntu sbg jalan untuk trus n' trus brsyukur..

"Lainsyakartum laazidannakum walainkafartum inna adzabi lasyadid.."
jika kalian brsyukur maka Alloh akan menambah, dan jika kalian kufur, maka ssungguhx siksa-Ku Alloh sgt pedih..."

jaza kumullohu khoiro

mugo2 Alloh paring manfaat dan barokah.. Amin


English version:
if we could see the environment around us, a lot of things we can use as a way to always be grateful, very much, even maybe all we can use as a way to give thanks.

This is my experience when my mother walked into a traditional market. in traditional markets there are several pools which is used as a gathering place by some ducks. they make these pools for food, whereas in a puddle around it is a landfill.

after I saw the ducks, I saw some chicken crossed in front of me. then I thought, why look like all the chickens?

Seeing such things as human beings we should be grateful to have been given sustenance by Alloh of things well, do not like to eat duck in a puddle or the trash. we also have to be thankful for Alloh has given us a good way, even we are perfect beings created by Alloh, not like chicken that much between them almost the same can be said of all.

through the things that was supposed to be trivial we can take a lesson so that we can always give thanks to Almighty Alloh.

May god always blessing us. :)


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